Sunday, March 5, 2017

Basic Elements of a Website; HTML







Sunday, January 15, 2017


Last December 24, 2016 we went to the supermarket to buy some ingredients for the noche Buena. 
After buying some foods for the noche Buena we went to Aurora and San Jose with my cousin Rejno, Ralph and with my Grandpa to check his rice field. After how many hours we went back home to take some rest.  It was a rainy day and a lazy day. At that night we ate the food together with my family. We made some macaroni salad and cooked some foods.
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December  24, 2016 at 9 pm we went to the church to attend mass for Christmas. After that we took some rest and at 12 am we celbrated Christmas the birthday of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We greeted each other a Happy Christmas.  December 25, 2016 we went to the beach to celebrate Christmas with my family. After that we went to the mall to buy some gifts for our manito/manita.

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Last December 31, 2016 we prepared some foods for the welcoming of the new year 2017. Also at 9 pm we went to the church to attend the mass. After the holy mas we went home we cooked the foods for the New Year celebration. We welcome the New Year at exactly 12 am and saw some awesome fireworks and we gave our gifts to our manito and manita. Hoping that 2017 will be a better year. Thank you for the memories 2016!

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My vacation may be simple but it is full of joy and love. Especially when I celebrated my vacation with my family.
Image result for new year at hogwartsRelated image                                                                      Image result for new year at hogwarts 

Saturday, December 3, 2016


"You know everyone thinks we are fools right?
To most of the world, blogging is a joke. Blogging is a hobby, diversion, a fad that'll come and go."

Does it ever seem like you have more adversity in your life than other people do?
As if everyone around you is having an easier time of things than you are?

You begin to fall sorry for yourself and think, "Why does this stuff always happen to ME?"
Although you can't erase the negative aspect of a particular negative event, you can extract a ton of positive benefits from negative events by changing the lens you're looking through and taking a different view of the situation.

Just keep doing what you love and ignore those negative comments about you and be yourself. I hope my blog can help you to overcome adversity by posting what I love that can make you happy :)
There are always positive lessons to be learned through pain.

This blog will document me and my etceteras. Feel free to read, ask and comment on my posts.I really hope that you'll enjoy visiting my blog. Go, enjoy and have a good time! :)